2024-2025 President & VPs

Get to know the President and Vice Presidents of the CEA, leading the charge in fostering Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity across the state.
Hola Members,
Have you ever been in a place where you do not speak the language but are part of the event?
I have been in that position and yet we got along and were able to accomplish what was needed, just thru a few hand jesters, smiles, eye movements, and playing a bit of charades. When it was all said and done, we all felt a little bit closer and were communicating more as friends laughing and enjoying the rest of the day.
That is how to approach anything at the lodge that you volunteer for without experience. You watch and ask questions, you do what is told, and you add your own spin on things. The more and more you do things with others, the more and more you become closer.
Take Ritual for example, you start off not knowing much but soon you start to practice with other officers and soon you're a team starting to build on something. You volunteer more with the same group, start "hanging out" with them, telling stories of practice whether good or bad but laughing just the same. And for those who are struggling, there are those in your team to help out, and give you the boost you need. They do not want you to fail, and you want your team to succeed. In the end, the goal is to impress the new members coming into your lodge. First impressions are everlasting.
So go find a project, event, or someone who you can volunteer with and see how you end up. Hopefully, you come out of it enjoying and finding a new niche for your lodge or community.
Hope to see you soon. God bless and keep safe.
CEA State President | 2024-2025
Leadville Lodge #236
CEA President JR Cruz encourages members to take advantage of the valuable resources offered by the LRT Committee to support and strengthen your lodge this year!

Keep an eye out for CEA President JR Cruz as he visits lodges across the state this year!
July 16 Cripple Creek Elks 316
July 27-28 Leadville Elks CEA Budget Meeting
August 3 Rifle Elks Back pack Drive
August 10 Creede Elks 125th Anniversary
September 4-7 CEA State Convention, Lone Tree CO
CEA President JR Cruz, co-chair of the Cultural Appreciation Committee, invites members to join the ongoing efforts to celebrate and embrace the diverse cultural heritage within the CEA and across the State. We can foster unity and appreciation, creating an environment where all members feel valued and respected.
- Unlocking Us podcast by Brené Brown
Happy New Year to everyone
As we begin a new year, we close out the Elks fiscal year. It is extremely important that we work on membership. Its not too late to look over the lapsation list. Have your Membership committee call the delinquent members. Have their proposers call them,that makes it easier for the committee. Rick Gathen from Grand Lodge Membership Marketing Committee will be at the Winter Quarterly at the end of this month. He will be speaking at a one hour session after lunch, Please plan to come and listen to Rick. He has some great ideas on membership.
The Calendar Raffle is continuing this year. For $20 you are entered for the entire year. This helps the C.E.A. with all of our programs. Thank you to everyone who bought them last year.
Congratulations to Colorado Springs 309 on winning the State Ritual contest. We all need to help them get to Kansas City. I am sure the Ritual team will be doing a fund raiser, so please support them.
I like reading newsletters from all the Lodges. If I am not on your email list, please add me, dmorgan1256.0845@gmail.com
God bless our Troops and our great order
C.E.A. 1st Vice President
Dennis Morgan
Pueblo #90
Terry Gaber
CEA 2nd Vice President | 2024-2025
Willie Gordon
CEA 3rd Vice President | 2024-2025
Delta Lodge #1235